Monday, August 29, 2011

Wonderful News!

This week has been a little crazy! Surgery for the central line didn't go quite as smoothly as it could have, but everything worked out!! At first there was the hematoma, then fluid in her lungs, then her lung was collapsing, then it just fixed itself! That was scary! It was like the surgeon punctured her lung one second then didn't the next. I guess we'll never know!! Then Hayden broke out in a huge crazy rash! It was (and still isn't) very much fun, but it's finally getting under control! It was terrible for a few days, but now we know that she is allergic to the cleaner they use to prep you for surgery and that they used to clean her PICC line and would have used to clean her central line. Now we know what the problem was with the PICC, it wasn't the dressings, it was the cleaner! Goooood to know! I think for a min there I let my positive side get away from me. I have to remember to stay positive and just have faith. Send good feelings out into the universe and the universe will send good things back. Most importantly I need to remember not to worry because it's in gods hands! 
Saturday Hayden had her MRI. At first we were told there was something there and I was so worried. We were discharged from the hospital shortly after that. We decided to go to target to get a few new movies to just sit around the house. While we were there I saw the book The Secret, which I've kinda read before, so I thought it might make me feel a little better. We went home and I started reading it and started practicing my positive thinking!! I felt better instantly and sure enough we got the good news we were hoping for today! That the suspicious thing in the MRI was actually just scar tissue and that everything was going to be okay! Just like we knew it would be! All our positive thinking and faith in god prevailed yet again! As Im sure it will continue to do so time and time again! 
Hearing and heart tests also went well today! Everything is functioning and working perfectly! This is also wonderful news as radiation can do a number to your hearing! But Hayden's is just as was before! :) Her heart is healthy and strong! The echo was really neat. It's just an ultrasound of her heart but it was really cool. We could see the valves opening and closing and the 4 chambers. Cool stuff! Especially since I've dissected a heart before and knew what I was looking at! She has vision test tomorrow, followed by lumber puncture on wed. Vision I'm sure will be the same as last, which wasn't absolutely perfect but I'll take it! A little nerve damage is fine with me as long as we have our baby! Doesn't bother me that she walks into things all the time, lol. I have no doubts that the lumbar will be negative as it was last time. Everything is going smoothly and according to plan. Then we head home to Austin for a week to enjoy with family and friends! We are holding a little raffle benefit on Friday that I'm excited about! I'm also going to get those rubber bracelets made that say Team Hayden on one side and Roar Cancer on the other. Pretty excited about that! 
All this seems to go by so fast! Before we know it we'll be looking back at all this as just a memory! I always think that it will be just a bad memory but I don't know if thats really true. We are so lucky to be so close to Houston where they have the knowledge and tools to cure our baby! Everything happening here is good! The situation might not be what we all expected but that doesn't mean it has to be all bad! Hayden is amazing and strong and such a fighter! There have been times where I've said something like nothing is okay, and she'll be like mooooommmmm it issss!! She's only 3 but she gets it! She stays positive and happy all the time! She finds the good in everything and always find a reason to smile. In the big picture, it is okay! We're going to get through this and its all going to be worth it because its what is going to rid her of this terrible monster.
 I'm so thankful to have such an amazing little girl in my life! I thank god everyday that I get to see her smile and feel the joy she brings to everyone around her! I love her more than anything I've ever known! I was getting so scared that things weren't going to be okay. I was getting caught up on the what ifs... I hate what ifs. BUT I'm not going to anymore. I'm going to keep my thoughts happy and positive no matter what! Its easy to fall off tract, get discouraged and feel hopeless. Its easy yes, but not worth it. I know in my heart that she's going to beat this, so I don't need to waste one second of time or energy on worry or doubt. 
While you're saying prayers for Hayden, I also ask that you say one for Nicole, who was just diagnosed with AR/RT while we were home on our break. She's still in the hospital healing up from surgery. She'll do the same treatment plan as monkey. One for Carlie, who also in the same boat as Hayden and Nicole. Carlie and Hayden are the same schedule but are receiving a little different treatments because of the difference in their age. Jaylie, who is a little farther in her treatment plan and has just completed her first round of chemo. Jaxon, who is in the same boat as Jaylie. There are so many more of these little ones out there that are receiving radiation and chemo for brain tumors that could use all our prayers too. Each day we get closer to a cure, I hope that day comes sooner than later. It's reassuring to know that people dedicate their lives for this fight and work day in day out to find this cure! One day we'll have it, in the meantime we'll just focus on curing our babies one by one! 

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