Thursday, August 25, 2011


I'm sitting here waiting to emitted For the night...the surgery to place her central line didn't go as smoothly as it could have. Not huge complications but she has bleeding St the site internally. (internal biggie) it's called a hemotoma, which basically is an internal bruise. I translate this as the surgeon was to rough with my baby but that's probably not the case. I once heard that the happiest people are those who've found someone to blame. Anyways, the line is in securely and is functioning properly so this is all good. We'll have another x-ray here shortly to view the status of the bleeding. I'm confident that everything is going to fine, but prayers never hurt. She already had two tubes hanging out of her chest, we don't need a drain too. So today isn't so awesome but we can focus on yesterday...
Yesterday was great! We took Hayden to Galveston! She looooves the beach and had a blast! I have a ton of pictures but since we're stuck here I'll have to post them later. We rented an umbrella, had our folding chairs, a piƱa colada and spent the afternoon jumping over waves and digging in the sand!! Now that Hayden has her central line swimming is out of the question as are baths. :( we can probably figure something out with baths because she was really good about keeping her Picc line out of the water, I'm sure she'll understand this on can't get wet either. It's just in a much harder place to cover and is much bigger. We'll see... I'm pretty crafty...i'll come up with something.
Getting emitted to the hospital is always discouraging but I have to remember to have faith. All things are possible through god. I found this scripture Luke 8:50 "don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed". I started crying the second I read it, I'm not really sure why. It's hard not to worry, but I know I can't. It really doesn't change anything. If you're worrying it means you dont have faith and if you don't have faith, well then you don't have anything. I have faith. I know god us with us, he's done so many amazing things so far and i know he'll continue to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing all of this with us, Rachael. xoxo (Kelly)
