Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Back in Houston. So soon. It seems like just a few days ago we had 3 weeks to spend at home. :( It makes me sad that we are back and have to start treatments again. This week is especially scary for me because its the first MRI and lumbar puncture since radiation. I know in my heart that they will show no signs of cancer, but the possibility is always there. Waiting is the worst part. 
This week is going to be pretty hectic. She gets fitted for a ankle brace, has OT, surgery for a central line placement, chest, sinus, & bone scans, MRI, lumbar puncture, hearing & vision test, kidney test... just a million different tests a three year old shouldn't have to be taking. 
The hardest part about being in Houston is that it just reminds me that my baby is sick. I always knew that children got cancer, but it just didn't seem real. But it is. Its not just my baby that has cancer but so many more. Its just a terrible reality that we face in Houston. Anyways... Hayden is still doing really well. There are a few things that worry me, but the Dr's seem to think its all fine. (Not that I believe anything they say, ADC kinda ruined that for me... but I guess not all doctors are complete idiots). She had a blast on our break! Went to SeaWorld to feed the dolphins, went swimming, went to the circus, and just spent time at home without having to go to a Dr.s office everyday. Just being a normal kid. I know that this well be over soon, and we'll just pick back up where we left off and be "normal" again, but it seems like such a long hard road ahead. Again with the waiting. The worst part. Waiting for results, waiting for things to start (more like dreading) and mostly waiting for things to end! Thankfully time has seemed to have gone by pretty fast. These past few months have seemed like a blur. Brain surgery, radiation, and now chemo. Chemo just seems like the scariest part. I don't know why. I guess in the beginning the surgery was the scariest. Then as radiation was going that was. But something about chemo.. just scary. But, this too shall pass. She will get though this just like she has gotten though the rest of this mess, and this time next year I'll be facebooking about her first day of kindergarten! Gotta stay strong and positive. I like to remind myself that miracles happen everyday. And they do, I see everyday when smiles at me. Keep praying for her and all the other little ones having to fight this monster! 

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