Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chemo round 2 day 1

This time hasn't been as easy as the last. Hayden was sick all day, and just exhausted. :( For the most part she slept but woke up 1-2 times an hour to get sick. At one point there was blood in her throw up. It really scared me but they did blood work which showed no signs of bleeding and are confident she just busted a capillary from getting sick so much. :( It just breaks my heart. I hate watching her go through so much. And it doesn't seem like any of the anti nausea meds helped. She spiked a fever so they changed all her antibiotics to really strong ones and are doing blood cultures to test for any infections. The chemo ended around 8 and since then she was only sick once! She's just been alternating between Chrs and my laps. I've never seen her sleep so much. I'm hoping she will rest peacefully tonight bc tomorrow is another long day of chemo and long night of waking her up every two hours to pee. The drug they give er tomorrow is notorious fr making the kiddos sick so I'm prepared for the worst but hoping/praying for the best. I know chemo isn't supposed to easy and all these things are normal but it's still so hard. I can't wait for this to be over and she'll be a "normal" healthy little girl again!
I'm thinking all her fuzzy whispies are going to fall out this round. Her little eye brows are almost gone :( I've gotten so used to her little blonde baby hairs that she's kept, I don't want to see them go. I started noticing her eye brows about a week ago, boy have they thinned out. I was looking at old pictures last night and man did she have some "wolfy" eyebrows as my mom would say! Hehe. They are adorable! I miss her long completely unmanageable hair too. I hope for her (and my) sake it doesn't grow back any thicker than it was! :)
We're just trying to focus on getting her healthy and try not to dwell on the times that she doesn't feel so good. Already one day down of round two with two days to go. And already almost half way done with chemo altogether! Thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers!

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