Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time flies whether you're having fun or not. Not that we don't try to have as much fun as possible but it just seems like a few weeks ago we were moving down to Hoston. Now we have only 3 rounds of chemo left! And then it's nothing but clear skies and butterflies from there! Hayden will be all healed and we'll all live happily ever after. :)
Hayden has been doing really well! She's gotten sick a few times and seems to be sleeping longer these past few days but other than that has been wonderful! Her blood counts have recovered nicely and she was taken off the gcsf(drug to help bring blood counts up) and all the other meds ( including the penicillin that apparently tasted like poison). Since being off gcsf her counts dropped pretty drastically but that's normal and expected and were still at 2000 on mon. They started her on a new drug called bactrium that prevents a form of pneumonia that lives in the water/everywhere and if contracted is untreatable. Don't freak out it's extremely uncommon to get it if your immune system isn't compromised. So that has dropped her counts as well (I guess it's a pretty strong antibiotic...she only takes it 3 times a week and only when her counts are up enough to handle it). It's also most likely the culprit that's causing her to throw up the last few days :( I hate when she's sick. Hopefully she'll feel better the next few days since she will be off all meds til Sunday! FYI, her second round starts Sunday, remember to keep her in your prayers! Please!
Last week Grandma Mullaney came all the way from Buffalo to spend some time with us in Houston!! We had a wonderful time, it just went way too fast! Since we're not allowed to go out in public we just hung out around the house & watched movies. :) grandma got to spend lots of time with monkey cuddling, playing dinosaur, calling each other butt burps (hayden's favorite word..I'd like to blame that on Chris but she made it up herself..isnt it just wonderful) and playing games!! And by games I really just mean Dino puzzle or don't break the ice over and over and over and... Chris and I were able to get out together for a few drinks in the first time since I can't even remember. That was really nice! Lookin forward to seeing the rest of the family next month!
Hayden wants to be a dinosaur for Halloween, specifically a standing sharp tooth, aka a T-Rex. She's so cute. :) such a pretty little tomboy she is. Or monster, however you want to look at it. Another thing that cracks me up is watching her play with her cars and dinosaurs in her mermaid pony castle. Her hot wheels enjoy the slide as much as any pony! Haha. Shes a hoot. Till next time! XO

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